


Unique Oils have spent more than 200 years devoting themselves to the traditional growing of olive trees, listening to nature and respecting time.


For generations, the Hidalgo Guerrero family has formed part of Spanish olive producing history, creating the highest quality oils. Taking demands further every day. Incorporating technical innovations where the hand of humans is not enough, but without erasing the valuable traces of tradition. Completely committed to searching for a different olive oil. Exquisite. Perfect.


Now, Mariano and Julio Gonzalez-Hidalgo have developed a new concept, and reaffirming this obsession for things well done, they have created a unique oil: Au. Liquid gold.



Au are the letters of the chemical symbol for gold. A metal that projects, metaphorically, all the virtues of our oil. There is a likeness in its colour, its reaction to light, but above all it symbolises its value, beauty and purity.


Au Extra Virgin Olive Oil, comes from the first pressing of the olive, and it retrieves the purest essence of the fruit. It is a real treasure, extracted from the deepest of the land. A food that is as old as civilisation and is as treasured as gold. An exquisite, aromatic, versatile and healthy oil. The cornerstone of the Mediterranean diet, whose benefits on the body have been backed by many scientific studies.


Au brings together these benefits, it multiplies them through each of its varieties and provides them with unmistakeable characteristics and taste.


Au is more than extra virgin olive oil. It is the soul of the olive.


Pure gold.

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